We were approached last summer by Dick Forsythe from the WW1 Aviation Heritage Trust who told us about an interesting project they were trying to bring to France. Collaborating with... read more →
The Working Weekend this year falls on the late May Bank Holiday, from Friday, May 24th to Monday, May 27th. As we say every year, all are welcome, and whether... read more →
Replacement of the walkway continues, and our excellent local builder, Arnaud Delescluse, has now completed the path up to the edge of the raised section in front of George Nugent’s... read more →
We continue to have a wonderful and warm relationship between the Commune and all the Friends. Led by the especially supportive Maire, the kind people of both the villages are... read more →
People were so pleased last year when we shared pictures from David and Julie Thomson of No. Fifty6 bed + breakfast at La Boisselle that we knew we must do... read more →
Those Friends and visitors who have been to the Crater in the last year or so will have seen that the Labyrinth Panels now need serious care and attention. They... read more →
Working in close consultation with our dedicated ‘Clerk of Works’, Vinny Felstead and his team, we will be considering refurbishing the badly worn area between the cross and the Visitors’... read more →
We are pleased to say the relationship is going from strength to strength, thanks in great part to the efforts of dear Friends who live locally, notably Alison and Jon... read more →
It is always very special to be on the battlefields for Armistice Day and 2017 was no exception. To be in a place of such poignancy and atmosphere always adds... read more →
Hopefully by now many Friends will have seen the 20 panels of the Labyrinth. We never quite knew how visitors would react to them, whether they would read the odd... read more →