If you would like to help preserve the unique Lochnagar Crater Memorial for future generations please join The Friends of Lochnagar. Your subscription will go towards essential maintenance as well as helping support the two annual remembrance ceremonies.
When you join, you’ll receive Newsletters directly to your email inbox four times a year bringing interesting and informative news about the Friends’ activities and events.
You may also wish to purchase a ‘Friends of Lochnagar’ Lapel Pin, Car Sticker and Tie; join the Friends at the Crater on the annual working weekend at the end of May or attend the annual dinner held in Albert on 1st July.
Google Group
You may also join The Friends of Lochnagar Google Group – a special email-based discussion group, administered by the Friends and designed to provide easy communication and collaboration between group members. It’s free and all discussions are strictly private. To join the Google Group please tick the box below.
Join as a Member
You may register or renew membership using the online form or send information and remittance to: Friends of Lochnagar Membership Secretary, Robins Wood, Rose Lane, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8RA
Payment can be made by PayPal to ‘lochnagarmembership@outlook.com’ or ‘@FriendsofLochnagar’ adding relevant membership information to a note.
Payments with a Sterling or Euro cheque should be made out to “Friends of Lochnagar.” (Cash Sterling, Euros, US or Canadian dollars are also accepted but are sent entirely at the sender’s own risk.)
Alternatively, you may also pay your remittance via bank transfer to (HSBC) bank account “Friends of Lochnagar“, Sort code 40-20-07 Account No. 21091468 (IBAN GB16HBUK40200721091468 or BIC HBUKGB4129V).
For all membership enquiries please contact us at lochnagarmembership@outlook.com