The original wreath laying area around the cross was made in 2004. At the same time the entrance was made more formal with duck boarded tracks leading onto the site. Entrance to the Crater showing the two duckboard tracks, wooden ' knife rests ' and kerb... read more →
Extract from 'The Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War' by Captain H. FitzM. Stacke MC. That afternoon the 58th Brigade attacked the La Boisselle salient, securing a lodgment on the southern face; and orders were sent for the 57th Brigade to move up after midnight. Rather than risk another jam in... read more →
Each year it is estimated that up to 250,000 people will walk around the Crater path. Whilst every visitor is welcome, the damage caused by wear and tear has been enormous. For instance, the chalk path itself has been eroded away at the rate of 6 inches in just 4... read more →
Its 4am on Tuesday 1st July 2008, Simon Pettett and I are driving south out of Arras on the N17 a long roman road heading towards Lochnagar. Somewhere to the east in the direction of Neuville Vitasse the... read more →
WELCOME...BIENVENUE...WILLKOMMEN Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like to welcome you to this, the 33rd annual remembrance ceremony at the Lochnagar Crater. First, as always, a thank you to the wonderful Friends of Lochnagar who have... read more →
The original Cross was erected in 1986. Made from ancient pine rescued from a deconsecrated church in northumberland, it was struck by lightning soon after it was erected. It did well to last until 2010 and was replaced in 2011. The original cross was installed in... read more →
Losing the cross was a very sad moment, however our thoughts were with Richard and what could be done to help. I put forward suggestions to Richard and once he had looked at all eventualities the go ahead was given, and the search for a specialist wood yard began. The... read more →
I'm living in the past, in the WW1 days, probably I have inherited this from my maternal grandfather, a WW1 Austro-Hungarian infantry officer. In our family nobody really was interested in his past and only in the later... read more →
It is hard to imagine our crater without its iconic Cross. In the 10 months that it has been missing I still have not got used to it not being there. Very few of the Friends had ever seen the site without it. After all it was always the first... read more →
When this lousy war is over Rachel and Jennifer sing 'When this lousy war is over' at the Lochnagar Crater Memorial Ceremony held on 1st July 2010 Abide with me Rachel and piper at the Lochnagar Crater memorial ceremony, 1st July 2010 At the start of the ceremony Richard... read more →