We encourage visitors of all ages to submit creative work inspired by the Lochnagar Crater. However the Angela Speakman Prize, is an award for the best entry in any medium including Art, Prose, Poetry, Photography or Music from youngsters between the ages of 10 and 17 years. It is generously funded, organised and judged by Mike and Frances Speakman, both dedicated, knowledgeable visitors and enthusiastic supporters of young people who visit the Lochnagar Crater. The prize money of £200 is divided between the winners of the two age groups, 10-13 and 14-17 years and was created in memory of their late daughter Angela.
The prize of £200 will be divided equally between winners of the two age groups, 10 – 13 years and 14 – 17 years.
Please contact us through this e-mail address speakmanprize@lochnagarcrater.org on how to submit your entries to the competition. The cut-off date for receiving entries for 2023 will be October 1st 2023.