Age 10 (8.8 .2005)
Everlasting life
Will I stagger through another day or will this be my last?
Will I wake tomorrow or is my existence in the past?
When I go up over the top, how long for will I run?
But the only thing I want to see is the rising sun.
When I advance on the Germans, will I be emphatic
Or will my life be pattered out by a semi-automatic?
Why do people shout; why do they fight?
Where Is the heart the peace may ignite?
I give the world my life: I give the world this day
The deathly spray of bullets which took my life away.
Cian Kirke
Market Harborough C of E Academy, Fairfield Road,
Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9QH
01858 464112